Sunday, October 29, 2006
Going to keep warm this winter

Thursday, October 26, 2006
I DID IT!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
A little of this, A little of that

Sunday, October 22, 2006
A New Song I Like
Let's talk about music

Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Many things to be thankful for
- Having Elma water - never had to boil it
- Having natural gas so I could cook
- Mason coming over and staying for a couple days
- Having my new camera cell phone to use when the batteries were low in my digital camera
- Being able to charge my cell phone in my car
- Getting my hair cut short on Monday so it dried faster without a hairdryer
- Having just enough batteries to keep the walkman going
- Enough snow to use to keep food cold
- Family was all safe
- Extension on school tax payment
- No damage to house or contends
- Sunshine to warm the house
- My son, Cory, works for a tree service
- As bad as trees are, they could have been damaged worse
- Glad I cancelled my motorcycle trip to WV I was suppose to take that weekend
- Warm enough to ride motorcycle that Monday
- Hearing from my sister in AZ
- Phone calls from PABob
- Snowday pay from school
- Personal time pay from Aspire
- WBEN-AM radio for keeping updated
- Plenty of candles to light the house at night
- Enough yarn to knit some projects, warm cozy slippers for Mason and me
- Caught up on magazine reading (Flash and Skin & Ink - Tattoo magazines)
- Being able to text message Nicki or Cory whenever I wanted to send updates
- Name for next year's theme party - October Surprise Storm Commemorative Bonfire
- Making S'mores in the fireplace for Mason and me
- Plenty of food that wouldn't spoil
- Thankful I prefer cooler temperatures
- Seeing the first NYSEG Truck pull up in front of the house on day 5
- Seeing violets and dandelions blooming in the yard when snow melted
- Having a neighbor girl taking pics of my trees for a school project
- Finally knowing the freezer will be cleaned out
- Finally getting mail service again
- Getting a package that contained a new electronic gizmo and arriving fully charged so I could play with it before power came on
I'm sure if I took more time I would come up with many more things that I was thankful for but I thought this was a pretty good list. Now that the worst is over and life has begun to return to normal, I just hope that no matter what happens in the future, I remember to always look for the positive things in life.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006

My Heros! Of this crew, only one guy was local. They were taking a coffee break in front of my house so I took them a banana bread as a very small token of my appreciation for all their hard work and long hours. They joked that I didn't have to bribe them with food, that they planned on turning my power on anyways. They said it would take just a few minutes and they were right! I'm also thankful to the Time Warner guys working in other places that got our cable up and running just before the electric came on.

Sunday, October 01, 2006
Weekend Visitors