Another British program that I enjoyed in the past was Robin of Sherwood which was shown on Showtime many years ago. After more years then I want to think about, it has finally been brought out in DVD formatted for the USA. I'm just hoping that they bring out the other two seasons of this wonderful show. Thanks to this show, I became a fan of the Irish singing group Clannard who did all the music for the show. There is also a new Robin of Sherwood series coming soon, hopefully to be seen on BBCAmerica. It will really have to be special to top this series.
Today I received my copy of Long Way Round. Ironically, another British program. Movie stars Ewan McGregor and Charlie Boorman decide to leave London on their BMW motorcycles and right around the world. I had never heard of this program until I read about it on my Venturers.Org online motorcycle club/message board. I believe it was shown on the Bravo channel. After learning about it, I had to have it along with the book written by Ewan and Charlie about their experiences during the trip.
Now I'm just waiting for the DVD I just heard about of a PBS concert of John Prine from the 1970's. I have ordered it and will receive it when it's released in March of this year. I can't wait! I suppose pretty soon I'll be complaining that the weather is too nice to be inside watching this great collection of DVDs.