Between the weather and my aching back, I haven't felt like writing much lately. But at least this morning my back if finally feeling like it's really mending and the sky is a bit brighter today. I haven't had so many days to just veg in such a long time. I'm beginning to think that veggie isn't very good for me. I finished up my last knitting project, the lawn is all mowed, the house is semi-clean and don't have that much laundry to do, TV is mostly repeats and made all my phone calls. What is a girl to do?
Tuesday life should return to a more normal pace with school starting this week. Tuesday
will be safety meetings at school and driving to get familiar with new routes. This past week I did a couple of nights work with Kindergarten orientation at two of our three primary schools. This year was lots of fun thanks to my grandson Mason attending school this year. I'm even going to be his afternoon bus driver! I can't wait to be able to see him just about every day. Here is a picture of Mason with his Mom and Dad at orientation. Cory and Mason's Mom are divorced but get along pretty well so they can share in these special times together as a family. I also was able to give Mason his first ride on a school bus. I made them sit in the front seat, more or less as a joke as Cory spent so much time in the front seat of his bus, being the trouble maker that he was.

Next week I will return to my other job at Aspire of WNY. This past Wednesday I learned that my boss had quit his job to move on to a new job at Williamsville Central School. So now I'm wondering what will happen for me at Aspire. Now that Jim is gone, will they decide I'm not needed or will they decide I can get more hours now, would they even consider me for the job as Safety Manager? Once again my options seem to be staring me straight in the face and asking me, "Ok, how are you going to handle what life is throwing at you now?" Should I reconsider taking the head bus driver job at school instead? What I have decided for now it just to take a wait and see attitude and let what happens, happen. Some people might even say that I'm learning patience with this attitude. Nah, I'm just as anxious as ever to see what life is going to hand me next!
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