Have you ever heard of Veggie Tales? It's a wonderful series of movies and programming for children with a religious/spiritual angle. Stars of the show are Bob the Tomato and Larry the Cucumber (I am not a pickle) along with others, such as Pa Grape, Jr Asparagus, Madame Blueberry, the French Peas and Mr Lund, just to name a few. Each show has a theme which is told through a funny story with a silly song performed as an intermission. I have gotten a number of these videos, dvd and cd's for my grandsons, Sean and Mason. I find it funny that they both seem to like the same silly songs with "Where's my Hairbrush" and "I Love My Lips" being amoung their very favorites.
Here is one of my favorite songs from one of the CDs. It's makes me a little teary whenever I hear it, because it touches my heart so much.
Think of me Everyday
Hold tight to what I say
And I'll be close to you
Even From far away
Know that where ever you are
It is never to far
If you think of me, i'll be with you
And the pirates, what is the pirate song again? We are the pirates who don't what?
Ah yes my kind of pirates "We are the Pirates who don't do anything, we just stay at home and lay around".
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