I have a wonderful pet, a cat that I named Dickens because she usually is a Dickens. I adopted her from the SPCA several years ago. She is a pleasure to be around and a wonderful companion. She is an excellent mouser which is fine, but she also is a good birder which does not make me happy. She is incredibly inquisitive when it comes to just about anything that moves including running to my printer to watch anything it happens to spit out at her. I've caught her up in my Christmas tree where at least she didn't do any damage. Below is a picture of her watching the turkeys in the backyard. At least she knew enough not to attack them!

The other day I walked out to the deck to bring in firewood (something I shouldn't be doing at this time of year) and I found a poor little dead chickadee which I knew had been Dicken's latest victim. Today when I walked out I didn't see the little body where I had left it but after picking up a couple pieces of wood to throw on the deck I noticed this little body laying exactly where the Chickadee had been left a few days ago. I think it's a weasel but having never seen one up close I'm not exactly sure. First off it was much smaller then I thought it should be unless baby weasels have already been born. The few weasels and minks I have seen in the past were just darting across the road in front of my car and I'm sure they were bigger then this sad little specimen. The board the critter is laying on is a 2" x 6" so that gives you an idea of it's size.
Nice pic of Dickens! Glad you're not feeling snarky now. I'm off to Costa Rica on April 28. Arrive back a few days before your party. Planning to attend. You'll have to fill me in on how things are going with your love life...
Good job Dickens! Please be sure and report when you identify this critter for sure.
From what I have learned, it was most likely a short-tailed weasel. Dickens hasn't brought home any gifts in the last few days so she is either eating on the run or run out of prey to play with.
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