Just me rambling on about how I see life.
This year I was having a hard time with putting up any decorations. I do believe it was because I've been so busy with my two jobs and limited time to really prepare for the fast approaching holidays. The thought of putting up that big tree was rather overwhelming. Then I had a bright idea of seeing if I could put up half of the tree! Well, thinking and doing are usually pretty different for me and I wondered if I would actually do it. Today was an early dismissal from school for the younger grades, so I took the day off from Aspire to do all my runs at school. I had some time this afternoon and down to the cellar I went to see if I could indeed use just half the tree and sure enough, it looked like it would work! I put up the tree and then headed back to work for one more run. I returned home a short time later and started decorating my little tree. How nice not to have to climb on a stool to reach the top of the tree to "throw" the lights around it. Maybe now I can really start feeling the holiday spirit!
Sunday morning Mason and I packed up the car and headed for home. After talking to Dana again on the cell phone, we agreed that Mason should spend Sunday night at my house because Dana was still in the contagious stages of the strep. On our way home, we meet up with my friend Bob and his friend Everett. It was such a wonderful day, they were out riding. It was the first time I got to see Bob back on his bike after his accident last fall.
After saying good bye to Bob, once again Mason were on our way towards home, getting there before 4PM. We unpacked the car, made supper, then waited for Cory and Krista to arrive home from their week long trip to AZ to visit with Cory's father. Mason was so happy to see his Daddy and vice versa. We had a nice dinner, then they got to play for a while.
Mason was a real trooper about getting up so early to get ready to go to work with me and of course it was a blast to have Mason ride on my bus for three out of four of my bus runs. But I could also tell how happy he was to see his Mom after be away from her for almost a week. Ah, another grand adventure for Mason and Me. Now I am looking forward to spending Christmas with everyone at my house! I sure hope the weather allows us to be together!
I'm sure if I took more time I would come up with many more things that I was thankful for but I thought this was a pretty good list. Now that the worst is over and life has begun to return to normal, I just hope that no matter what happens in the future, I remember to always look for the positive things in life.
My Heros! Of this crew, only one guy was local. They were taking a coffee break in front of my house so I took them a banana bread as a very small token of my appreciation for all their hard work and long hours. They joked that I didn't have to bribe them with food, that they planned on turning my power on anyways. They said it would take just a few minutes and they were right! I'm also thankful to the Time Warner guys working in other places that got our cable up and running just before the electric came on.
This is my pathetic start at stacking the wood. As you can see, Isabeau is NO help at all. Little did I know she was going to take a supervisory position.
Sean going to get his horse Lilly for his riding lesson
Today I was suppose to head down to Nicki's and her family for a few days but after taking a SCIP-R (Strategies for Crisis Intervention and Prevention-Revised) for four days and pulling some muscles in my lower back, I thought maybe I shouldn't get on one of the bikes or even the car to maybe put even more strain on my injury. It was a horrible decision to make to stay home as I really wanted to get to Nicki's in time to go with them to watch Sean's theraputic horse back riding lesson. I guess it was a good decision as this afternoon I'm very stiff, but not so sore. Then Nicki sent me some pictures of Sean taking his lessons and in many ways it made me even sadder not to be there to actually share in the experience but also made me happy that I could see Sean in action with his horse "Lilly". Hopefully I'll be able to upload pictures today so you can share in the joy that I felt when looking at them.