Sean going to get his horse Lilly for his riding lesson
Today I was suppose to head down to Nicki's and her family for a few days but after taking a SCIP-R (Strategies for Crisis Intervention and Prevention-Revised) for four days and pulling some muscles in my lower back, I thought maybe I shouldn't get on one of the bikes or even the car to maybe put even more strain on my injury. It was a horrible decision to make to stay home as I really wanted to get to Nicki's in time to go with them to watch Sean's theraputic horse back riding lesson. I guess it was a good decision as this afternoon I'm very stiff, but not so sore. Then Nicki sent me some pictures of Sean taking his lessons and in many ways it made me even sadder not to be there to actually share in the experience but also made me happy that I could see Sean in action with his horse "Lilly". Hopefully I'll be able to upload pictures today so you can share in the joy that I felt when looking at them.

This picture has nothing to do with his riding class, but this was Sean's graduation day in June of 2006