OH WOW, it's another hot one today. I really don't do well in the heat and humidity. It's just one of the many reasons I didn't want to move to Arizona. OK, you will say "but it's a dry heat" to which I always answer "and in Western New York Winters we have that dry cold". Looks like today will be another day to spend in the pool once I get home from work this afternoon. I spent several hours in there yesterday and it was heavenly! So what do I do for work? I drive school bus and have for going on 19 years. This summer I'm working as an attendent with another driver. I'm working with a very autistic child and it's a real challenge. Today because of the heat, she didn't go to school so I got to come home and work on this for a while. Later I'll head to Aspire for one of my other jobs. I'm a driver/trainer/manager at Aspire 12 hours a week. I'm getting use to working in management and really enjoy it. What is Aspire of WNY? It use to be UCPA of WNY (United Cerebal Palsy Association). They changed the name several years ago when they realized that the great majority of their consumers had more handicaps then CP. Another job I'm currently doing is working as a secretary at a small local church, but I just resigned that position as it was becoming increasing difficult to find the time to do that job with my other jobs. In the winter I work at this same church as their organist when the other organist is wintering in Vegas. This works out perfectly for me as I'm not too likely to want to travel during the winter so I don't mind being home every weekend. Time to head to the couch and sit in front of the fan until I walk out the door to go to Aspire.
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