Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Bird's Eye View

I've been a church organist since I was 13 years old or for 42 years, which ever way I say it, it's been a long time. Most churches that I've played at, I'm usually sitting up front with my back to the congregation. But when I do play at my own church, as a sub, I'm sitting upstairs and can look out over the balcony and see the people below.
It's rather interesting what you see, children playing, some people snoozing, other people paying very close attention to every word and maybe just sitting there because they were made to be there.
Today I played for a funeral of a gentleman who was 90 years old and left behind his wife of 70 years. WOW! What an accomplishment. While listening to the sermon, I was watching the people below and noticed one couple, probably in their late 50's (I'm a very poor judge of age, especially when all you really see are the tops of their heads!) When I first noticed this couple, I noticed the woman and I assume wife, had her hand on the man's knee. Later I noticed they arms entwined and they were holding hands. How sweet!
A few years ago I use to watch a couple, Bill and Buna, as they sat together in their usual pew. I would see Buna rubbing Bill's leg during the service. They were in their 70's at the time. Bill has since died and Buna lives in an assisted living home down the road a piece from the church so is still often in church. But what I remember most about watching them was how I felt like I was seeing the must intimate feelings being expressed by two people who after so many years, they were still so much in love. How Sweet, How endearing, How Romantic, How Real. I would wish for everyone such tenderness of spirit for another person in their lives. What a rare commodity and one to be treasured! OH Bill and Buna, you were truly blessed and I hope the couple I watched today have the same in their lives.

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