AUGH! Do you remember the movie The Birds? It is a great Alfred Hitchcock movie, one I watched on a wintry Sunday afternoon with Cory when he was just a little kid. He says he still remembers watching it with me and how it scared him.
Well, I have a bird attacking my house, or rather attacking the bees that have been attacking this house for years. This year seemed particulary bad as far as the bee attacks on the house and so I guess the woodpecked attacking their holes has some good eats hiding out in the wood. I heard the pecking so grabbed the camera hoping to get some pics. I only got a couple and haven't made an identification yet for sure but it looks like it might be a "hairy woodpecker"
I think I hear the woodpecker out on the front of the house now so guess it's time to see if I can get more pictures.

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